среда, 13 марта 2013 г.

What does Russian Breakfast consist of ?

Have you ever eaten the boiled sheep's head  for breakfast? No? And what about hot soup with noodles inside at 7 o’clock in the morning? In some countries they do. Usually when travelling, we have breakfasts in hotels. As a rule they are almost identical all over the world.  But what do people really eat at home?
I will tell you about my country. To tell the truth, first I wanted to write about our day meals in general. Using Facebook I asked my friends to help me, and got hundreds of answers, so decided to divide my post into several parts.

вторник, 5 марта 2013 г.

Crayfish is always a fest!

Do you know what crayfish is? Of course you know. Nevertheless I bet you do not know how to eat it correctly! In the South of Russia in Rostov-on-Don we always laugh at “Moscals” ( our guests from Moscow), they eat only one part of the crayfish meanwhile people here don’t leave any part of the delicacy to a trash-bin.
Rostovites believe that their “Crayfishe from the river Don” are the best, and no overseas oysters can compare with them.